Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Best yoga poses to put you to sleep!

A general idea:
In our present world, our body is active all day long. It works like a machine and needs some time for recuperation. Sleep is a very good mode of refuelling the body and hence plays a crucial role in an individual’s life. If you sleep properly you are more likely to be rested properly and if you are rested properly then you would be able to tackle the daily hectic assignments more adequately. A good night sleeps not just repairs your body muscles but also enhances productivity. There are many people who are seen suffering from sleep problems. Problems namely insomnia, poor digestion and unhealthy lifestyle can really cause havoc in your peaceful sleep. Fortunately there is one way by which you can get rid of such sleep disorders and that is yoga. Yoga is that genre of exercise which not just enhances your concentration power but also relieves your body from the stress and tediousness which has accumulated. It also influences your sleep and allows you to rest properly and get up in the morning totally energized.
So on that note, here are some of the popular yoga poses which you can follow to improve your sleep.
Supported inversion:
The pose is to lie down perpendicularly to an empty wall. Keep your legs on the wall and scoot the hips to the point where the wall and the carpet met up. Allow your legs to walk up as long as they are able to. Keep your arms sideways with the palms open and facing up and at the same time, close your eyes and take deep breaths.
Pigeon pose- both left and right
The pose is to get down on the floor with all fours and place the right knee behind the right wrist and with the right foot leftwards. Slowly slide your left leg backwards and keep a pillow lengthwise to the left side on the right leg. Lay down your chest and belly on the pillow and allow your arms to relax on either side. Allow your head to relax on the side it feels comfortable and take deep breaths. Continue this pose for the opposite side also.
Reclined butterfly:
The pose involves lying down on your back and putting a pillow lengthwise below the spine. Bring both the soles of the feet close to a point where they can touch each other and allow the knees to fall down gently to the sides. Make sure that your hips are off the pillow and on doing so extend your arms to one side away from the body and keep your palms facing up.
The reclined spinal twist:
While lying on your back slowly bend your right knee at the side of your chest and cross it to the left side of your body. On doing so you will experience the twisting stretch in the spine region. Extend those arms out forming a T shape with your body. You can either keep the head facing upwards or for that matter looking right wards if you want to go for a much deeper neck stretch. Do the same for the opposite side also.
Concluding lines:
These are some of the yoga poses which will help you to get a peaceful night sleep every single time. So try out these out from today onwards!